Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:18-20

Training2Send solicits donations to provide funding to our partners across the world for three reasons only:

Purchase a Bible

The purchase and shipping of Bibles. *Before you purchase-see below*
Purchase a Bible

Cover Travel Costs

Cover reasonable travel costs but only when a missionary travels to another country.
Cover Travel Costs

Provide Assistance

The Costs of the Immediate Needs (e.g. medical, food, clothing).
Help Someone In Need

**Bibles are desperately needed in English and French, but please don’t send us Bibles as we would then bear the cost of handling, packaging, and shipping them. We have partnered with Equipping the Saints, a non-profit that provides Bibles to us at a very low cost and minimal charges for handling and shipping.

So if you wish to donate for Bibles, it’s more cost-effective for us to just receive the funding. Also for those that cannot read we need to purchase portable audio players which allow them to hear God’s Word in their native language. Again, please don’t send us audio players as the same factors apply to them as discussed for the Bible donations described above.**